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- Influenza A Is Going Crazy + Moldy Ornaments Recall + Real Health Goals
Influenza A Is Going Crazy + Moldy Ornaments Recall + Real Health Goals
I'm diagnosing Influenza A every day now; and what to do about it. Health goals. Plus, an in-office funny, and recalls on moldy ornaments and cribs.

Table of Contents

Influenza A Is Going Crazy
A couple of weeks back, I told you about the rise in Influenza A cases we were seeing in clinic. Well, it’s gone crazy, folks. This week alone, 100% of the kids I’ve tested have been positive for Flu A. We’re diagnosing cases every day at this point. And it comes on quick. I have some patients who’ve already been admitted to the hospital.
As of January 14, the CDC says we’ve had 16 pediatric deaths from flu.
If you have kids who are getting sick, or who seem pretty sick with a respiratory bug, PLEASE get them checked. I know you’ve heard it before, but early intervention can save your kid from all kinds of problems. I’ve had a bunch of diligent parents who’ve brought in their sick kid(s) and we’ve been able to stay on top of things.
I’ll put a link to my previous Influenza A post below—it has a ton of great info on how to treat influenza, vaccine info, myths, etc.
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Achievable Health Goals
It’s the start of a new year and many people have resolutions related to health. For many, this involves some version of improving a diet, exercising more, or losing weight. I am no exception. I’m embarrassed to admit that I completely fell off the wagon over the holidays and gained some extra lbs. YIKES! So, I’m in this with you.
The key is consistency and figuring out what will work for you and your family in the long term. Are you a person who must completely avoid problem behaviors or foods (an all or nothing approach)? Are you a person who will crack under the forbidden fruit approach and end up binging, such that in moderation approach works best? For me, I love sweets. Sugar is my kryptonite. I can’t stop at one candy or one bite of a dessert. So, I have to decide ahead, I’m going to skip it (I make exceptions for special occasions like my birthday, naturally 😃). My husband loves salty foods, chips and snacks. Everyone is different. The solution is to figure out where there is room for improvement and commit to doing it. Here are 10 suggestions for simple goals you could incorporate into your world (see if you can do at least one or two).
Stop drinking your calories. Soda (even diet), juice, and sweetened coffee are not good for you.
Drink more water. Most people do not drink enough water.
Take the stairs. I have a 5 flights rule. If it’s less than 5 flights, I take the stairs. (More than that I risk showing up to the meeting or rounding at the hospital all sweaty).
Wear sunscreen. My morning moisturizer contains sunscreen, so I don’t have to think about it.
Eat the vegetable first at a meal. This helps prevent overeating and stabilizes your blood sugar due to the extra fiber.
Only eat at the table. This can help if you are a mindless snacker (especially at night while relaxing in front of Netflix).
Get a steps tracker. If you don’t walk much, set a realistic goal (maybe 5,000 steps a day). Gradually increase to 10,000-12,000/day.
Try swapping fruit for dessert.
Eat more whole foods, especially vegetables. Whole foods do not come in packages and do not have ingredients you cannot pronounce.
If exercising regularly is hard for you, start slow and increase. Try 5 mins of calisthenics in your room right after waking up. Committing to 2 hours a day at the gym after you’ve done nothing is a set up for failure.
Finally, we need to teach kids to be more in tune to their bodies. The advice I give most often in my office is to ask yourself two questions before you eat anything.
#1. Am I hungry? (If you aren’t hungry, don’t eat. If you are hungry, move onto question 2).
#2. Is this good for me? (If the answer is yes, eat it. If the answer is no, look for food that is good for you.)
Good luck. Let’s do this!

Funny This Week
I saw a super cute 5 year-old for his well child check this week. In conversation, mom had offered the child the opportunity to participate in an extra curricular activity that she thought he might enjoy. He responded, matter of fact, “Mom, I’m not that kinda kid.”
You got a love a kid who knows what kind of kid he is.

Recalls & Alerts: Moldy Ornaments + Cribs

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