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No more paywall. FREE access for everyone! Flu shot savings. Is this a Band-Aid allergy? Recall on squeeze plush toys. And Legos make a kid poop. 🙂
Tips to get kids asleep. Are nightlights bad? Save an estimated $167 on orthopedic braces. A pink eye conclusion...hopefully. Recalls on loungers and dumbbells. A bark vs. honk.
Suicide Awareness month. What I'm seeing at work. Save $129 on a follow-up visit. Recalls on sound machines, swings, strollers. What is sex?
Some interesting info about the legality of piercings and tattoos for minors in your state.
Happy Thanksgiving! May your family gatherings NOT be super-spreader events. To help you, here are the highlights...
I'm seeing lots of strep throat this week. 10 health problems at our house. How to choose the best benefits plan. A kidney funny. And recall on this jewelry set (contains lead).
Croup is going around right now. And a major recall on Mupirocin Ointment--check your cupboards.
The dreaded vomit/diarrhea bug is going around. Filling out this form saved me almost $1,900 a year in prescription costs--might work for you, too. And safety recall on this high chair.
Mono is on the rise. Save $20-300 with this eyeglasses hack. How to prep your kid for surgery. Recall on glowing bunny ears. And a kid who really follows instructions. 🙂
States with surprising levels of lead poisoning. Whooping Cough is going around. Save $338 in network. Our tonsillectomy update. Recall on guitar string lubricant. And a kid listens to his wiener. 🙂
Smart kid reading tips. Is your child too young to read? How to save 20-30% on your office visit. Throat sores are going around. Recalls on plush toys and Trader Joe's Candles. And some profanity. 🙂
The size of the depression problem. Pharyngitis is going around. Save $92.64 on Prozac by knowing this hack. A pink eye treatment update. Recalls on witch hats and PJs. A sticker con.
Cholesterol Education Month. Is juice good for kids? The vomit bug is going around. Save $119.16 by cutting soda. Treating pink eye. Recall on cribs and high chairs. That confused look.